
type: dead duck
bought: christmas gift from my great friend Anne Martha in 2007
size: 7 cm

I've wanted this duck for a long time. Made me crazy happy!

type: white angel duck with halo and wings
bought: christmas gift from my friend Hilde in 2007
size: 9 cm

A cute angel duck which I also have in blue. About half of my collection is bought to me by friends and family. They spoil me!

type: pink duck with lots of darker pink hearts
bought: oslo -07
size: 10cm

This duck looks a lot like the BUD design ducks.

type: pink duck with white hearts
bought: saape store in oslo -07
size: 10cm

A loveable valentine duck!

type: blue angel duck with halo and wings
bought: oslo -06
size: 9 cm

I also have this duck in white. It exist in yellow as well.

type: diamond duck from BUD design
bought: oslo -06
size: 10cm x 8cm x 10cm

The last year of high school I bought a lot of rubber ducks. I had several trips to Oslo, visiting my aunts.

type: a yellow female duck with a bow on the head
bought: a gift from my friend kåre
size: 8 cm

My friend Kåre work at a soap store up north in Norway. He sendt me this pretty duck in the mail!